Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh man..

busy busy!! so is life, right?

well here's a little of what we've been up to:

Seaport Village trips aka our favorite place EVER
A Zoo trip
Finger Painting
Goofing around
Went on a Harbor Cruise with our awesome friends and NO KIDS
Obsessing over my Cameo and experimenting


I'm working on opening up an Etsy shop!!!  Personalized canvases, labels, personalized to-go mugs, customized wedding anything, and more!! 

I have done my HARDEST to find a job...part time or full time; i have no issues at this point so long as I can pick up Emma by 430.  There is nothing...I've applied for EVERYTHING, so to ease my mind and sanity, I've decided to open a shop and create things that make people happy and laugh :-)....and maybe make a few bucks haha.

Here's a little bit of what the girls and I have been up to while dad's been at work :-):

(you can find me on instagram @momdad2girls_brutus)

I have also been planning our house...stalking Miss Ana White and printing out plans for furniture...I have an issue with purchasing furniture since realizing making it yourself is not as difficult as it looks and it is much cheaper and um made it!!

Emma LOVES the kids area at my favorite place on EARTH aka IKEAAAAAA!!!!! So while she played for an hour, I wandered around taking photos of furniture and dimensions of pieces I'd like to make...

How COOL is that dresser with the little hidden drawer in the top drawer!!! And Audrey would look AWESOME in Emma's room!!! I'm pretty sure I can find her on Craigslist though...The world map is going somewhere in the house but we will be making out own with the super awesome tool called a projector since we have family worldwide.  The kids umbrella and stand aka super cool...obviously there's more and my creative juices are flowing!!!

My focus doesn't exist haha so now I need to focus on a room and do it start to finish instead of bouncing around the house hahaha

So yeah!! a lot in my life happening!!!  Now I need to 



FOCUS!!! hahaha

Have a fantastic evening and keep an eye out for " M.E.L.T your heart"!!!

-- Lisa


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